Hybrids - The future?

Dr. Andreas Truckenbrodt,

Dr. Andreas Truckenbrodt ,  Director Fuel Cell and Alternative Powertrain Vehicles, DaimlerChrysler AG

The need for a diverse alternative drivetrain market will continue to expand far beyond hybrid technologies.

1. Since the successful launch of Toyota Prius, a number of players in the western automobile industry have been making efforts to launch hybrid cars. What are the reasons that are prompting them to look towards hybrids?

There are certainly a great number of reasons that automakers have to determine their hybrid launches. The advancement and electrification of the drivetrain, along with other technologies to improve fuel economy are necessary to stay competitive in the evolving automotive market.

2. Though automakers are making huge investments in the hybrid technology, the growth in the demand for hybrids has been slow. What could be the possible reasons for this?

The hybrid market has seen growth rates higher than any other new technologies.

3. Are European automakers getting serious about hybrid technology?

Yes, the commitment of the European automakers to hybrid technology is obvious through their continued development activities and product announcements.

4. What are the technical challenges that automakers face while manufacturing hybrids?

All high-voltage components like e-motors, power electronics and batteries are the biggest challenge on a component level. The integration of the hybrid system affects - in contrast to a conventional powertrain - the entire vehicle. These results in very tough cost challenges.

5. There seems to be a growing demand for other environment-friendly vehicles like cars that run on ultra-low-sulphur diesel. How does this affect the market for hybrids?

As previously mentioned, the market for environmentally friendly vehicles continues to expand. Consumers with differing driving patterns, infrastructure availability, and anticipated driving experiences are going to have needs for a variety of drivetrain technologies. As consumer needs continue to diversify, there will certainly be room for numerous efficiency technologies and the competition of this variety will offer a healthy environmentally conscious market.

6. How important is the government support for automakers to make sure that hybrids have greater demand and are more affordable to people?

The demand for hybrid vehicles is somewhat independent of the government influence. However promoting factors, such as tax subsidies and government supported research, certainly has a positive impact on the hybrid market.

7. Do you think hybrids are transitional technology giving way to other vehicles, which will completely run on other forms of energy like electricity?

As previously explained, the need for a diverse alternative drivetrain market will continue to expand far beyond hybrid technologies. However, hybrid systems will not serve as simply a transitional technology, but rather an option that can be incorporated into all drivetrains.

8. How do you see the market for hybrids in the coming future across the world?

While certain regions of the world are hard to predict, the overall market for hybrids will likely continue to grow and diversify.

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